
Sweden shows less than half-hearted support for euro despite weak krona

Emma Löfgren
Emma Löfgren - [email protected]
Sweden shows less than half-hearted support for euro despite weak krona
Euro banknotes. Photo: Vidar Ruud/NTB Scanpix/TT

Despite the weak krona, less than a quarter of Swedes want to swap their currency for the euro, a new survey suggests.


According to the survey by pollsters Verian on behalf of television broadcaster TV4, 53 percent of Swedes are against replacing the krona with the euro and 24 percent are in favour – compared to 47 percent against and 27 percent in favour last autumn.

But support for the euro varies across the country, the survey suggests.

Gothenburgers and southern Swedes are the most positive towards the euro: 35 percent of respondents in Gothenburg would like to adopt the euro and 32 percent in Malmö.


In northern Sweden, however, support for the euro dwindles to 11 percent.

“It’s not a new trend. We have generally seen for some time that southern and western Sweden are more positive towards the euro. One reason could be that it’s closer to the continent, to Germany and Denmark,” Verian opinion chief Per Söderpalm told TV4.


Denmark has its own currency but unlike Sweden it’s tied to the euro.

The survey was carried out last week and quizzed 1,050 people across the country.

A separate survey last year by Gothenburg University's SOM Institute showed that over the past year on the other hand, support for the euro has grown. A total of 30 percent said in 2023 that they thought introducing the euro would be a good idea, up from 16 percent in 2022.



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