
French air traffic control unions lift strike notice for May holiday weekend

The Local France
The Local France - [email protected]
French air traffic control unions lift strike notice for May holiday weekend

The largest union representing French air traffic controllers has lifted a strike notice for the May holiday weekend after coming to an agreement with managers.


The SNCTA union, which represents around 60 percent of French air traffic controllers, had called strikes for Thursday, April 25th and for May 9th, 10th and 11th.

However after a last-minute deal with struck they lifted all strike notices, although disruption remains likely for April 25th - more details HERE.

The union had said that it would also be filing a strike notice for Thursday May 9th, Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th.

In France May 8th and 9th are both public holidays - and many people had planned to take advantage of the rare 'double holiday' and extend it into a trip away.

May 8th is always a holiday, marking VE Day or the end of WWII in Europe and May 9th is the Christian holiday of Ascension, the date of which varies each year. This year it provides the unusual opportunity for workers to have two consecutive days as public holidays. 



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