
Which nationalities have bought the most tickets for Eurovision in Malmö?

Emma Löfgren
Emma Löfgren - [email protected]
Which nationalities have bought the most tickets for Eurovision in Malmö?
Malmö last hosted Eurovision in 2013. Photo: Jessica Gow/Scanpix

Two thirds of all Eurovision tickets have been snapped up by foreign visitors, with new figures revealing the top ten countries which will have the most fans in the audience in Malmö.


People from more than 80 countries will be in the audience of Malmö Arena for Eurovision Song Contest 2024, organisers have revealed.

Sweden-based fans top the list, with one-third of tickets sold to domestic customers.

But following not too far behind are Brits, with almost a fifth of all tickets snapped up by fans in last year’s host country. And more than one in ten buyers come from non-European countries.

“Malmö welcoming Eurovision fans and visitors from such large and diverse parts of the world is truly fantastic. It clearly demonstrates the event’s appeal and its ability to unite people through music, culture, and diversity,” Karin Karlsson, appointed by Malmö as managing director of the city’s role in hosting this year’s Eurovision, said in a statement.

The top ten countries, based on total ticket sales up until March, are:

1. Sweden

2. UK

3. Denmark

4. Germany

5. USA

6. Netherlands

7. Australia

8. Spain

9. Ireland

10. Poland


Long-distance fans from countries such as Mexico, Brazil and New Zealand are also expected to descend on the city, which is home to 186 nationalities.

“We see Malmö as a place where people, cultural expressions, and traditions come together and get to know each other. This is what our event should also reflect,” said Karlsson.

Eurovision will take place on May 7th-11th, with nine live shows including dress rehearsals for the semi-finals and final.




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